01636 679989

AW Accident Repair Centre

AW Accident Repair Centre

Nice little job for a Saturday morning for a local business AW Accident repair centre. We were ask if we could surface this car park which was previously just a stoned area to create a new more efficient parking solution for customers cars awaiting body repairs and paintwork. We undertaken this work on a Saturday at the request of our Customer to assure there wasn’t any disruption to there daily work load. We laid 180 tonnes 14mm SMA and white lined the car park to our own design to create 54 parking bays.

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Burley’s Flyover Leicester City Centre

Burley’s Flyover Leicester City Centre

As Part of our on going contract with Leicester city highways. This job involved doing large patching works on burleys flyover in Leicester city centre. we where task with planing out and relaying 80tonnes of HRA and chips on a Sunday morning. Along with the patching works we where also asked to do some paco patch repairs to cracks on the bridge deck and also around various iron works.

For more information on our paco patch system for long lasting ironwork solutions contact us on 01636 679989 or send us a message via the contacts page.

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Walsall Junction Improvement Scheme

Walsall Junction Improvement Scheme

Our next project in Walsall is a junction improvement scheme. We started work on site today with plenty of work to do we will keep you all up to date with how this project keeps progressing. This scheme is the first phase of the M6 J10 improvements for highways England.

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New Build Car Park for Walsall Council

New Build Car Park for Walsall Council

We have just completed this new build car park for Walsall council it involved starting from some waste land that belonged to the council and a detailed drawing of the proposed new layout. We firstly got our in house Civils team in to install new kerbing and drainage. This was then followed by our highly experienced surfacing team to finish this project.

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Early Starts…Not a Problem

Early Starts…Not a Problem

Early starts are not a problem for the team at Jordan road surfacing. We started planing at 4am Sunday to make sure we could resurface the carriageway and have it back open for 12pm Sunday lunchtime at the request of our client Notts county council. We had to plane out 200+ tonnes and regulate and lay 40mm of 10mm Sma surface course.

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Jordan’s Latest Piece of Equipment

Jordan’s Latest Piece of Equipment

Jordan’s latest piece of equipment a new kleeman mobicat mc 100r crusher available for hire. We also stock various recycled aggregates at our Leicester and Newark locations. For any enquiries about these products please contact us.

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Oakham Town Centre 09/04/2016

Oakham Town Centre 09/04/2016
We completed this work in Oakham Town Centre on behalf of Rutland County Council and Tarmac CRH PLC.  The work consisted of 800 m2 of planing at 40mm and resurfacing in one day, including the use of our paco patch Continue reading

RAF Waddington

RAF Waddington

Jordan Road Surfacing recently got called out to RAF Waddington and under the cover of darkness we planed out and re-surfaced 200 tonnes before sunrise.

Even the birds weren’t awake!

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